Friday, February 5, 2010

True Love

And when love's storm does break on a man's spirit, then, children, let him not stop to think fretfully on his past sins or anxiously question about his humility or about anything else except this: Am I rightly responsive to God's love as it does its work in me here and now? For now a man must battle with love while suffering coldness of heart and from a sense of total abandonment. Oh, let him five up to love in all fidelity of heart, stripped of everything that is not purely love of God, his soul destitute and miserable for love's sake. Have deep and constant longings for God's love; have firm trust in God; keep yourself true and firm in love. In due time you shall be granted in one hour as many graces as in another way you would acquire in a lifetime. Fr John Tauler (1361)

May it be done unto me according to your Word!

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